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Together with i-MED VISION
for child health in Africa.

All slots have ben filled.

We have two spots left!

We are excited to announce that i-MED vision is once again offering 140 starting places for committed runners in the BMW Berlin Marathon on September 29, 2024 in Berlin. As a member of the i-MED team, you support our vision of improving child health in southern Africa.

Together in training, together in running,
together towards a great vision!

I would be very happy if marathon runners - and those who want to become marathon runners - would run this year's Berlin Marathon in the great I-MED vision team!

I-MED vision is a great project that I have been supporting privately for years, also on site in South Africa and Namibia.

With your commitment to promoting children's health in the townships of these countries, you are making a - actually priceless! - contribution to the children of these countries!

— Dagmar Freitag MdB 1994-2021

We are thrilled to participate with  140 i-MED Team Runners. Thanks for this great support!

Unfortunately all slots are filled.

How to become part of the i-MED team

  • Fill out the contact form

  • You can join in with a donation of 1200 or more!

My donation
1200 €
Own amount

Wir haben aktuell noch 6 Plätze frei!

Wir freuen uns riesig mit 140 Läufern an den Start zu gehen, und dankenl für die gigantische Unterstützung.

Bank details

i-MED vision e.V.IBAN DE40 1605 0000 1000 7410 75BIC WELADED1PMB

What happens with your donations?

In order to improve child health in the underprivileged regions of southern Africa, it is essential to also look after the mothers, who are often severely traumatized and have no one to talk to about their worries. After all, how can they provide care when they themselves are in great need?

With your help, we would like to launch the “Masakhane Mother Mental Health Program.” Self-help groups for traumatized mothers where they have the opportunity to speak, to learn that they are not alone, and to learn methods to deal with the deep wounds.

Knowledge saves lives

“Let's educate for health”

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